Sunday, August 24, 2008

August 24

I know that I have not written in a couple of days, but all is well. Yesterday Matt was doing his PT workout and the lady that was working with him decided to let him try and walk. He did outstanding. He was walking between a set of parellel bars. He went forward and backward about 8 times. He was very strong and his balance and posture were very good too. I am once again blown away by what he is able to do and how far he has come in a little less than 2 weeks. They are still talking about him coming home on the 9th of September. We counted the days yesterday and as of today there is 15 days until he should come home. It has been long journey, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can't wait to have him home and the 4 of us get our lives back to normal. It will be nice to just spend time together as a family and let the boys reconnect with their Dad again. They come up to the hospital for a hour or so but have not really been able to spend a lot of time with their Dad. It will be nice to be home in our home and with our stuff and be a family again. I must say that is one of the things that I miss the most, and that is spending time, just Matt, the boys and me. It has been nice having family and friends come and go, but just to be with my husband and boys again will be a huge answer to my prayers. I want to ask you all to continue praying for Matt's strength and for his eyes to get better, but I also want you to pray that our transition back into normal life will go smooth. Not only for us, but for all of our family, my Mom has had the boys since this all happened and for Matt's Mom as she goes home and gets her life back to normal. God has been so good in providing the support that we needed in this terrible time, I pray that all of our transitions will go smoothly in a couple of weeks. Thank you again for all of your support, love and prayers during this time in our lives. We love you and are so thankful for you all.

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