Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19th

Well today is Matt's birthday. It has been almost a year since the AVM rupture. It is so amazing how far God has brought us in a year.

Matt will be having a procedure done on the 24th of June. He is having what they call "Radiosurgery". What they are going to do is put a halo type structure on his head and then they will do a CAT scan and an angiogram. Once that is done the neurosurgeon will map out exactly where the blood vessels are that are still there and then with about 250 lasers of rediation they will go in and shoot the area. There is a year waiting period before we know how well this worked, but by having this is greatly reduces the chances of the AVM rupturing again. The chances have already been reduced with the other procedures, but this will also reduce it more. If after that year time period they go back in and look at what is left all they should see is that the veins are all scarred up with scar tissue and that should be the end of it and we will not have to worry about this anymore. There is a chance that they will have to do it again, but we are praying for God to continue doing a great work and let it work the first time around.

Life is so much different now. The little things in life don't seem to bother us and we live everyday with a greater appreciation for each other and our family. If I can give one piece of agvice that I have gained from all of this it would be to take the time to pray and to tell the people in your life how much you love them, because you never know what is going to happen.

Thanks for all your love and prayers in this past year God is so amazing and I can't wait to see what wonderful things He still has instore for Matt and our family. Please continue to pray that all goes well and I will keep you posted. We love you all and are so thankful for everyone who has been a part of this past year in our life.